Saturday, January 17, 2009


There are many vitamins that your body needs every single day in order to function in peak condition. Some of these vitamins are fat soluble, which means that our body can store them for later us. Vitamin C is one of the vitamins in the body that is not fat-soluble. Therefore, the body cannot store it and it must be consumed everyday. How much vitamin C you should have in your body depends on your age, gender, weight, lifestyle and whether you are pregnant or not.

In most cases, you will automatically get enough vitamin C in your foods, especially if you are eating a healthy diet. A diet that includes foods like green vegetables ( lettuce, broccoli, green peppers), fish, potatoes, milk and tomatoes will help you get enough vitamin C. If you are not and your doctor tells you to begin taking vitamin C supplements, look carefully at the labels of the different brands before you buy anything. Vitamin supplements are classified as foods and not drugs, they are not regulated by the government and each brand’s potency will vary slightly from the next.

What does vitamin C do? Basically, it is an antioxidant, which means that it battle the forces in our body that can cause organ, tissue, and cell damage. Therefore, vitamin C protects the body. It may be linked to reducing the signs of aging. If you do not have enough vitamin C in your body, you will develop scurvy. Scurvy is very uncommon in the United States, but you may remember it from your history lessons when Columbus’ men did not have enough fresh fruits and vegetables they developed scurvy. However lack of vitamin C can cause anemia, gum disease, skin hemorrhages, and weakness.

When you begin taking vitamin C supplements, make sure that you follow your doctor’s recommendations. If you take too much vitamin C, you can overdose, just as you could on any drug. This is rare because vitamin C is water soluble and high amounts will typically be flushed from the body at a normal rate. When over amounts of vitamin C are in the system it can cause kidney stones and interfere with vitamin B12 absorption, causing anemia. Diarrhea is also a side effect. That is why is always best to follow your doctor or nutritionist's direction for taking this supplement.
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Billie A Williams

Friday, January 16, 2009

Body Builder Men and Women

What You Need to Know About Supplements


For body builders, you are to be congratulated for taking care of your body. This work is making you stronger. It is important to remember however, that as you increase your ability to lift things, and you increase the strength of your muscles, you need more vitamins and minerals as well as more energy in order to use these enhanced muscles.

First of all, you should not start bodybuilding before you have talked to a doctor or a nutritionist about what you should do to make sure that your body can maintain the muscles that it has. If you are not able to consume enough of the foods that have the right vitamins, you are going to need to take supplements. This is because it is extremely important that you have enough of the right things if you are going to be bodybuilding. If you are building your muscles and not feeding your body properly, there is not going to be anything left over to keep you healthy. Vitamins help to build your immune system, make hormones and much more.

The best way to get your nutrition is through eating the right diet. There are certain aspects of the vitamins and minerals that go along with food that just can’t be found in the supplements. It is always best to eat as well as you can. However, if for some reason you aren’t able to get all of the needed vitamins and minerals, it is better to have them via vitamin supplements that not to suffer a shortage of what your body needs to maintain optimum health and virility.

Many times it is a good idea to go on a general multivitamin if you are going to be working out and working hard on your body. This is a good idea because as you work out you are burning energy that your body would otherwise use to protect itself. Therefore, your immune system might be compromised as you work out. You should try to do whatever you can to make sure that your are getting the correct vitamins and minerals that your immune system needs to function properly.

There are so many benefits to getting a proper amount of nutrition that there is now ay to list them all. For people who are working on building their muscles, there are certain things about vitamins and supplements that you should be aware of. There are many books to consult as well as your physician. Don’t leave your good health and well-being to chance.
Feel free to share this article in its entirety as long as you leave this resource box with it. Thank You!
Billie A Williams, Author